NPP has no chance at winning Ho Central seat – Benjamin Kpodo

Outgoing Member of Parliament for Ho Central, Benjamin Kpodo, has asserted that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) will have no chance at winning the parliamentary seat in the December 2024 general elections. 

He indicated that although he won’t contest in the parliamentary elections, he would lead campaign activities of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and bring his experience and influence on board.. 

“They [NPP] will not be successful, this is our stronghold, and they can’t take us for granted. Nobody can take that away from us. We will maintain our seat and possibly do better at the polls” he said in an interview with

He stressed that it is his responsibility as a sitting MP to retain the seat for the NDC, hence, he would ensure the entire party works in solidarity towards victory in December 2024. 

“It is not just an issue of only one person, it is the entire party machinery that we are going to deploy. Ho Central Constituency is basically a thorough NDC”, he said. 

The Volta Regional Human Resource Manager of the Ghana Education Service, Edem Kofi Kpotosu, was elected as the NDC parliamentary candidate for Ho Central in the primary. 

He was contested by 6 others, giving the closest contender, Robert Doh, a 42 votes gap. 

Source: Ghana News

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