NPP Vetting Committee clears Sammy Binfoh Darkwa; trashes K.T Hammond’s petition for disqualification

NPP Vetting Committee clears Sammy Binfoh Darkwa; trashes K.T Hammond’s petition for disqualification

The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Vetting Committee in the Ashanti Region has dismissed a petition seeking the disqualification of Sammy Binfoh Darkwa from the Adansi Asokwa parliamentary race.

On the first day of vetting, the Committee received a petition from 14 constituency executives and their MP, K.T Hammond, seeking the disqualification of the deputy managing director of the Ghana Publishing Company.

After hours of deliberations on the petition, the Committee cleared Mr Binfoh Darkwa of all the allegations levelled against him.

Speaking to JoyNews, Sammy Binfoh Darkwa says he is ready to defend himself against all the allegations levelled against him.

“I faced the Committee and came out successful. The Committee analysed the allegation and I was vindicated. I will always defend myself against any form of allegation” he said.

Mr. K.T Hammond while responding to the petition, says the accused person knows nothing about the constituency which is a breach of Article 12(4) and (7).

“Go and ask them if they know anything about the constituency. Go and ask them. What do they know about the constituency?” he asked.

After day one of the vetting, all four aspirants eyeing the Adansi Asokwa constituency seat on the ticket of the NPP have been cleared to contest.

Source: Ghana News

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