NSMQ 2021: Persco hailed for making it to semi-finals

Social media users have expressed their excitement over St Peter’s SHS’ triumphant entry into the semi-final stage of the 2021 National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ).

With 67 points, Persco shone bright on Friday as they knocked out their rivals; Sonrise SHS and Bolgatanga SHS from the contest at the quarter-final stage.

For supporters and enthusiasts on Twitter, Friday’s victory has been long awaited, therefore, comes as no surprise the three-time champions emerged victorious.

However, they say the prowess and wit displayed by contestants; Boahene-Siaw and Bagoniah Augustus cannot be undervalued although there is much room for improvement.

Social media users are projecting a semi-final contest featuring St Peter’s SHS, St Augustine’s College and defending champions Legon-Presec.

The last time St Peter’s SHS carried the trophy was in 2018.

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Source: Ghana News

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