NSMQ 2023: Sekondi College dribbles Asankragwa SHS, Mpohor SHS to secure National slot

With impressive scores and an undeniable display of knowledge, Sekondi College secured their spot in the National Championship stage of the competition after beating the contenders in the Regional Qualifiers.

Right from the onset, Sekondi College took the lead and maintained a firm grip on their position throughout the contest.

Their consistent performance in each round allowed them to build a substantial point advantage over their rivals.

Asankragwa SHS and Mpohor SHS fought valiantly, but they struggled to keep up with the relentless pace set by Sekondi College.

By the end of the contest, Sekondi College had amassed an impressive total of 58 points, leaving Asankragwa SHS with 18 points and Mpohor SHS with 12 points.

The victory was a testament to Sekondi College’s dedication, preparation, and intellectual prowess.

Source: Ghana News

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