Nurse lauded for assisting neighbour deliver twins in a taxi

A general nurse has earned the admiration of many people after she assisted a pregnant woman to deliver twins in a taxi.

Juliet Acheampong who is said to be a worker at the Obom Health Centre recounted that she was called upon in a state of emergency to help her neighbour who was in labour.

On the way to the hospital, the woman who was then in labour is said to have expressed the desire to ease herself.

It was during the moment that the nurse realised that one of the babies was coming out with its hands instead of the head.

With no hospital or delivery equipment, Juliet, who is also a twin, managed to safely deliver the twins in the taxi.

“I was home when a neighbour called to say that a woman in my area was in labour so I should go and assist her. When I arrived, the first baby was in premium, so I had to deliver the baby. I had no idea they were twins.”

“I then transferred them to a nearby hospital because I didn’t want to cut the placenta; I feared they were sharing it,” she told JoyNews’ Isaac Ohene.

Source: Ghana News

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