Open up, there is so much mistrust in the system – Fred Pappoe to Kurt Okraku [Asempa FM SportsNite]

Former Vice President of the Ghana Football Association Fred Pappoe has advised Kurt Okraku to open up and absorb diverse opinions on how to administer football in the West African nation.

Okraku is 3 years and four months into his four-year first term as President of the Ghana FA with some high and very low scores as the performances of national teams keep declining.

The former Dreams FC President told Accra-based Joy FM in 2020 that he can’t work with anyone who doesn’t believe in his way of administering football in the nation which he described as the ONLY WAY.

He also stated: “Nobody wins an election and appoints his enemies to work with.”

However, Pappoe believes the posture of the administration doesn’t help football to grow properly.

“They should open up. There is so much mistrust in the system. I know they have been busy but they should open up more,” he told Enoch Worlanyo on the SportsNite show on Asempa FM.

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Source: Sports

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