Over 2 billion World Cup viewers on TV so far – FIFA President

FIFA President, Gianni Infantino says over two billion people have so far tuned in on television to watch the 2022 World Cup tournament.

This figure, he said is record-breaking with the “best group stage of a World Cup ever.”

Gianni Infantino told London-based Sky Sports News that over 51,000 people on average are in Qatar for the tournament.

“It is very promising with the remaining of the World Cup. The matches have been of very great quality in beautiful stadia.

“However, as well the public who was there was incredible, over 51,000 people on average record-breaking figures. On TV we have already had over 2 billion viewers which is really incredible,” he said in an interview with Sky Sports News.

The Head of the world governing football body noted that two-and-a-half million people are roaming the streets of Dohar, Qatar and a few hundred thousand attending games at stadiums every day to support their teams.

“The tournament has been filled with incredible excitement and great goals,” Infantino stated.

Matches for the quarter-final stages of the tournament will begin on Friday with Croatia facing Brazil at 3pm GMT, and Netherlands battling it out with Argentina on the same day later in the evening.

Portugal will play Morocco on Saturday. France will also come up against England at 7pm on the same day.

Source: Ghana News

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