Paris 2024: ‘We play always for results’ – Nora Hauptle on avoiding complacency

Paris 2024: 'We play always for results' - Nora Hauptle on avoiding complacency

Black Queens head coach Nora Hauptle says her side will be looking to add another win to their numbers despite boasting a first-leg advantage against Benin.

Ghana will host Benin at the Accra Sports Stadium on Tuesday, October 31, in the second leg of the 2024 Olympic Games qualifier.

A brace from Gifty Assifuah and a goal from Doris Boaduwaa handed Hauptle’s side a 3-0 win in Cotonou last Friday as they edged a step closer to advancing to the third round of the qualifiers.

Speaking to the media on Monday, the Swiss trainer said her side will look to avoid complacency on the day.

“We play always for results and qualification. It’s the second leg and so of course we will try to win this game. It’s the second round of our Olympic qualifiers and it’s our objective to pass to the third round in February,” she said.

“We take this game with the full seriousness, focus and we analysed the first game and set our training tactics to find solutions and we will show the answer on the pitch.”

An aggregate win for the Black Queens will see them sail through to the next round of the qualifiers with Zambia their next opposition.

Source: Ghana News

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