Parliament approves nomination of 2 judges to Supreme Court

Parliament has approved the nomination of two Supreme Court judges.

Justices Barabara Frances Ackah-Yensu and Samuel Kwame Adibu were nominated together with two other Justices in July by President Akufo-Addo.

However, after they were vetted by the Appointments Committee, the Committee in its report to the House recommended the approval of these two Justices excluding Justices George Kingsley Koomson and Ernest Yao Gaewu.

The House on Friday unanimously adopted the consensual report from the Appointments Committee which vetted the nominees.

In presenting the report, the Chairman of the Committee, Joseph Osei-Owusu, said the two judges demonstrated dexterity in the knowledge of the law and showed character and competence.

All four Justices were vetted on October 18 and 19 for consideration to be named Justices of the Apex Court.

It would be recalled that on July 26 the President nominated Justices to fill up expected vacancies at the apex court.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, on July 26 announced the nominations on the floor of the House following a letter he received from the Presidency.

“As a result of pending and projected vacancies at the Supreme Court this year, the Judicial Council advised me on 4th July 2022 by letter under the hand of its Chairperson, Chief Justice Anin-Yeboah of the suitabilities of my nominations for appointment to the Court of these persons in accordance with Article 144 (2) of the constitution,” Alban Bagbin read to Members of Parliament,” the letter read.

Source: Ghana News

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