Passsion stands out for me than talent when selecting an artiste to work with – Kaywa

Ace music producer and artiste manager, David Kojo Kyei, known in the limelight as Kaywa, says the passion of an artiste plays a major role for him than the talent when he is selecting an artiste to work with.

He made this known in a phone interview with Andy Dosty on the Daybreak Hitz, after he was asked what it takes to make someone a successful star.

Having worked with the likes of Kurl Songs, Krymi and Mr Drew, Kaywa stood in a pole position to tell us what it takes to guide an artiste to the very top.

In his quest to letting out what he did to nurture his artistes to the top, he mentioned two things: asking the Lord for strength, and the capacity to carry out his plan.

…”First I depend on God for strength and direction because if you are on a certain track and the one who put you there has the road map indeed it is important to look to Him as your source so that He can give you the strength and capacity to do what you do so primarily that is it”, he said.

In his second point, he made it known that he looks out for the passion behind the talent of an artiste since he believes it is the passion that gives the artiste the urge to pursue his talent to the top.

“…I always say that I don’t look for talent. Talent is important but what is necessary is to look for the passion behind the talent because if you pick up an artiste to work with, the artiste should have a certain kind of zeal or exuberance. The artiste should avail himself before you can work with him. In that passion lies discipline and seriousness to start with.”

He highlighted on the resurgence of Mr Drew to validate his point. To him, Mr Drew did not have the best of voices, but the passion on the part of the artiste contributed to who he is today.

“…I  always use Mr Drew as an example because he wasn’t the super singer in the team but he always believed in himself and it is per the decision and how believed in himself is why he always placed himself in a position to be pushed. So you have to have that passion to allow yourself to be helped”, he said.

The seasoned music producer and artiste manager wrapped up by saying that, every superstar went through a stage of nurturing before he got to where he is now because no talent ever got to the top without grooming.

“…Every talent can be polished. I have not seen any talent that came up and became so huge without nurturing. Every big talent whether Michael Jackson or whoever it is had to go through a stage of nurturing before getting to where they got to,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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