Platinum Jubilee: Harry and Andrew will not appear on Buckingham Palace balcony

Prince Harry and Prince Andrew will not appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony as part of opening celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next month.

The monarch will be accompanied on June 2, by “members of the Royal Family who are currently undertaking official public duties on behalf of the Queen”, a palace source said.

The 96-year-old Queen plans to attend some Jubilee events, the palace said.

But this won’t be confirmed until nearer the time, or even on the day.

There has been speculation about who will take part in the iconic royal balcony scene, waving to the crowds at Trooping the Colour during next month’s Platinum Jubilee weekend – which marks the Queen’s 70-year reign.

Buckingham Palace has said the Queen has decided this will be limited to “working royals” who carry out official royal duties and their children.

This rules out Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, even if they return to the UK for the Jubilee weekend.

Prince Andrew will also be excluded from the family group on the balcony, having stepped down from royal duties in the wake of the now-settled sex assault case brought against him in the United States.

The decision reflects the principle that there will not be “half-in, half-out” royals.

Those on the balcony on 2 June, along with the Queen, will include the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children.

The group will also include the Earl and Countess of Wessex and their children and the Princess Royal and her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence.

The Queen, who has mobility problems, has had to pull out of a number of recent events – and there have been questions about how much she will be able to participate in Platinum Jubilee celebrations, over the long bank holiday weekend of 2 to 5 June.

The latest update leaves the question open – with the Queen planning to take part in some of the events, but with nothing being confirmed until much closer to the time.

This includes a National Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral – and if the Queen attends she will not take part in a ceremonial procession to get there.

Along with viewing Trooping the Colour, the Queen also plans to attend the Epsom Derby, which takes place on 4 June, during the Jubilee weekend.

And even though Prince Harry and Prince Andrew and their families will not be part of the showcase balcony scene, their attendance has not been ruled out at events such as the thanksgiving service or Jubilee lunches.

The Platinum Jubilee Pageant will see the re-appearance of the Gold State Coach, not seen on the streets of London for more than 20 years.

This was the 18th Century horse-drawn carriage used to carry the Queen to her coronation in 1953.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 – timetable of key events

Credit: Getty Images

Thursday 2 June – Queen’s birthday parade and Trooping the Colour takes place – as Platinum Jubilee Beacons across in 2,000 towns and cities light up

Friday 3 June – National Service of Thanksgiving is held at St Pauls. Ringing of Great Paul, the restored biggest church bell in the country

Saturday 4 June – The Derby at Epsom Downs Racecourse – and BBC Platinum Party at the Palace

Sunday 5 June – Big Jubilee Lunch and street parties. Platinum Jubilee Pageant, a procession and performance in central London, involving 10,000 people and the Gold State Coach

Source: Ghana News

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