Police arrest 1, others being pursued for murder of 8 Fulani herdsmen

The Northern Regional Police Command has arrested one person for his alleged involvement in an attack on a Fulani settlement within the Yendi municipality.

The suspect; Danko Delabra is reported to have been among a gang of armed men who stormed a Fulani settlement on Wednesday, April 13, and murdered the inhabitants, injured 5 others, took away some livestock, and set the settlement ablaze.  

According to the Police, Danko Delabra was arraigned at the Yendi Circuit Court and has been remanded to reappear on Thursday, May 5, 2022.

“A joint team of intelligence and operations officers from the National and Regional Police Headquarters has been deployed to pursue and arrest the remaining culprits and bring them to face justice.

The statement further assured the public that the police will not relent in their efforts in fighting crime and keeping our communities safe.

Source: Ghana News

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