Police confirm officer’s stabbing to death in Bono Region

The Ghana Police Service (GPS) has confirmed one of its officers’ stabbing in the Bono region.

In a Facebook post sighted by myjoyonline.com, the law enforcement agency said the officer was stabbed to death by a “violent suspect” in the region.

According to the Police, “the violent suspect was also shot and killed” in the process.

“The Police Administration, with a heavy heart, wishes to announce that a Police officer has been stabbed to death and in the process, the violent suspect was also shot and killed.

“The sad incident happened in the Bono Region,” portions of the Police post on Facebook reads.

They also noted that further information would be provided on the issue after “we have duly informed the family and the next-of-kin of the late officer.”

“Meanwhile, we respectfully urge the public, especially the Media, not to put the name of the officer and any sensitive details about the incident in the media until the family is duly briefed,” they added.

Source: Ghana News

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