Politics requires experience – Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe

A founding member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, says for a person to perform well as a politician, one would have to gain much experience.

He explained that the current leadership of the party cannot be compared to those who were at the helm of affairs years ago.

Speaking on JoyNews’AM Show on Tuesday, he said the party’s leadership years ago were mature and experienced politicians who put the country first.

“Politics requires experience. If you don’t have it, you have to learn it before you come to the forefront. You cannot from nowhere get into the leadership of a party, it will never work. That is what even some of us are seeing now; people who have never worked before being made ministers overnight. 

“So the present leadership of the party definitely cannot be compared with what it was years back; matured and experienced politicians who would not think about themselves alone but first and foremost, they’ll think about the country. That is what our party was known to be; the country first. Now we’re having it differently,” he said.

Speaking on the flagbearership race of the party, Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe expressed pain that during the recent national executive race of the party, the young individuals who have the experience and the courage to execute the party’s principles and regulations did not offer themselves.

“What is painful is that those whom we know that they’re young people who have experience and the courage to work on the basis of the principles of the party regulations did not show up. Unfortunately, they did not show up,” he added.

The statesman who said he has been monitoring activities within the party, claimed that the party now can barely find leaders as honest as those in the regime of former President John Agyekum Kufuor. 

According to him, President Akuffo-Addo had the opportunity to select individuals who could have otherwise helped steer affairs better but ignored them.

He said some present appointees of President Akuffo-Addo had “bad records” in former President Kufuor’s regime.

Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe prayed for someone “who would be principled, very sincere, call a spade a spade if it’s necessary and move our path forward and that in turn move the nation forward.”

Source: Ghana News

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