Popular actress opens up about her past: From love to hatred towards her mother

Nollywood star Charity Eke, commonly known as Cha Cha Eke, has opened up about a poignant revelation from her past.

Taking to her Instagram page on Wednesday, the actress shared a heartfelt account of her evolving relationship with her mother.

Cha Cha revealed that as a child, she used to harbor a deep desire for her mother. Despite once considering her mother as her best friend and loving her immensely, Cha Cha’s feelings took a drastic turn as she grew older, eventually transforming into intense dislike and even profound hatred.

She attributed these negative emotions to the nightmares and hallucinations she experienced, which fueled her growing animosity towards her mother.

Cha Cha recalled, “I loved her intensely when I was younger. She was, and still is, my best friend. However, as I got older, I began to dislike and develop a deep hatred for her. I had nightmares and hallucinations that reinforced my aversion.”

During manic episodes, various religious leaders informed Cha Cha that her mother posed a threat to her life. This information further deepened her negative thoughts and led her to harbor bad wishes of her mother.

Source: Ghana News

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