Press Statement: Management of Black Sherif breaks silence on deal with EMPIRE

Singer Black Sherif’s management, Road Boys Association, have released a press statement, addressing recent allegations levelled against their artiste.

“In light of recent speculations and hearsay concerning Black Sherif, EMPIRE and his management would like to make certain clarifications.”

“Black Sherif is still under his management, Road Boys Association (RBA), and has not parted ways as publicized on various media platforms,” the statement read.

RBA stated clearly, the plan outlined for the “First Sermon” hit-maker, and their focus to develop his talent and the brand of the artiste to ensure his growth in the Ghanaian music scene and beyond, development of new fan bases, global protection of the artiste’s intellectual property, absolute ownership of the artiste’s masters, as aligned with their vision.

The statement goes on to disprove purported documents that surfaced on social media, claiming to bear the full details of the contract between Black Sherif and EMPIRE.

“The various interpretations given to the purported documents surfacing online are however false and must be treated as such.”

“There was a consensus ad idem between both parties, and EMPIRE has been undeniably instrumental in the growth and reach of the artiste,” the statement quoted.

However, the actual nature of the contract between Blacko and EMPIRE Entertainment remains withheld by Road Boys Association.

The management closed the statement by telling fans to expect the release of new music from the “Second Sermon” rapper, while promising to attend to all unanswered questions in due time.

Read the full statement below.

Source: Ghana News

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