Prioritise internal threats to national security – Prof Aning

Director at the Faculty of Academic Affairs & Research, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Prof Kwesi Aning has entreated government to prioritise internal threats to the security of the country.

This was in reaction to President Akufo-Addo’s claim, during the State of the Nation Address, that his government is building a modernised Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), with higher numbers of personnel.

This, the President said, is to ensure that the armed forces will be fit to meet the demands of the 21st century.

“We are building modernised Armed Forces, with higher numbers of personnel that will be fit to meet the demands of the 21st century,” he disclosed.

“Each of the different branches of the Armed Forces – the Army, Navy and Airforce – has received significant financial assistance to upgrade its logistical bases, and strengthen its capabilities, and its welfare requirements are being substantially addressed,” the President added.

Professor Aning, however contended that government will be fighting a lost battle if the internal issues that pose a threat to the security of the country are not addressed.

“There are a conglomeration of purely domestic Ghanaian issues that combine in conflict formation and pose potential threats to the country’s security,” he said.

Prof. Aning noted that “issues of unemployment, small arm flows, etc.” are all underlying factors that need urgent attention.

“There’s research that has shown how Ghanaians who live on the street are becoming a very critical threat to the country,” that is why “I argue that we need to look within [identify the challenges] and that is why an efficient, effective, responsive Ghana Police Service is critical to identifying potential internal challenges,” Prof. Aning revealed.

He acknowledged the fact that the Police has undergone a great improvement and a change of image. He largely attributed this to the kind of leadership the current Inspector General of Police (IGP) George Akuffo Dampare has exhibited.

The Security Analyst said the Service is also beginning to see a new form of (internal) resistance. He was hopeful, however, that these ringleaders who may have found themselves within the Service, would be defeated.

He also entreated the government to beef up security at the country’s borders.

“A modern army is driven by the desire to respond to both external threats, but importantly to internal dynamics that can threaten stability of the state and I think these are the demands of the 21st century, hence, border security must be strengthened.”

“While we build the forward operating base and recognise the importance of borders, we will need to build on our capacity and capability to detect and counter tourists, but also serious criminals.

“This is where the issue of logistics come in. We need to improve the doctrine of fast moving, flexible, responsive army that is located within communities and work to satisfy the community,” he stressed.    

Source: Ghana News

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