Rana Motors commissions magnificent state-of-the-art KIA vehicle assembly plant at Amasaman

Rana Motors, a leading automobile dealer in Ghana, has commissioned one of the largest state-of-the-art vehicle assembly plant at Amasaman in the Ga West Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

This brings the total number of vehicle assembly plants in the country to five.

The magnificent assembly plant is under government’s Automotive Development Policy, and will see the roll-out of KIA assembled vehicles of more than 30,000 vehicles annually.

Speaking to Joy Business at the commissioning of the Plant, Chief Operating Officer of Rana Motors, Kassem Odaymat said, his outfit will leverage incentives provided by government to boost its production in Ghana.

“Once the full implementation of the policy of zero rated is put in place, it will make it more attractive. Our prices will be competitive because it is exempted from a lot of taxes. With the financial schemes that will be in place set by government and different institutions to fund everybody who will want to buy a vehicle assembled in Ghana”.

Delivering the keynote address, President Akufo-Addo said, his government is committed to assembling 1.5 million vehicles per anum by the end of 2023 as projected by the Association of African Automobile Manufacturing.

“We will continue to do our part, to position Ghana as a strategic partner in helping the continent achieving the target of  assembling 1.5 million vehicles per anum by the end of 2023 as projected by the Association of African Automobile Manufacturers and to take advantage of the AfCFTA with its secretariat located in Accra”.

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Ghana, Lim Jung-Taek is hopeful, the plant would enhance the economic corporation between Ghana and Korea.

“The assembly plant would become an exemplary case of an economic cooperation between Korea and Ghana. The partnership in automotive sector shall harness Ghana’s rich natural and human resources”.

Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Michael Okyere Baafi stated that, the Ministry is working to grow the automotive industry more.

“This will open up very significant and sustainable opportunities for job seekers, distributors, suppliers, small scale industries as well as repair and maintenance service providers nationwide”.

The vehicle assembly plant, can produce 70,000 units of vehicles annually. It’s got enough space and planning to include more complex assembly. Rana Motors says, the plant will meet standards and the customer needs of neighboring countries which will allow the export of cars from Ghana to other markets.

Source: Ghana News

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