Re: Gutter journalism and Akufo-Addo’s criminal libel regime

Dear Manasseh Azure Awuni,

I have sighted your publication in the Fourth Estate about the recent attacks on Press Freedom and also your comments on PM Express on JoyNews about the same subject; particularly on the arrest of Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor.

Apart from your reference to the profession of others as gutter journalism, you particularly took a swipe at myself in a manner I won’t repeat; and even sought to cast a judgement on a man currently standing trial for treason felony!!

Need I remind you Manasseh that we don’t always agree with you, neither is everyone a fan of your style of journalism or certain things that you have done. But when suspected state operatives were haunting you after your “Millitia in the Castle” expose, we did not remind the public of the things you have done in the past that we did not agree with.

Neither did neither anyone go into the facts to cast a verdict on whether what you did was right or wrong. The whole nation, journalists fraternity and civil activists stood behind you unconditionally on a principle that no matter what you did, nothing could justify the treatment and response you received in the conduct of your professional duties.

I regret to say that you failed to return that favour you had done in your difficult moments these past days and that could pass as dismissive ingratitude.

Dear Manasseh, I would also advise that you take serious caution. You running the Fourth Estate does not automatically accord you the position of the headmaster of journalism in Ghana to approve and disapprove which journalism style is acceptable or not. Need I say that you have your own cobweb of excesses un-dealt with.

Finally Manasseh, the confusion in your recent pronouncements are too glaring. We don’t know where you stand; with the oppressor or the oppressed? I shudder to say that it is your conduct and posture that is rather casting a slur on the reputation and the purpose of the Fourth Estate.

As someone who works in the civic space, I am very much aware of the purpose behind the Fourth Estate and why certain entities (give) financial support to the Fourth Estate. I really hope that their funds are not being wasted on self-serving personal aggrandizement of mentally acquired self-importance, instead of the real work and intent the MFWA has for the Fourth Estate.

We are in this struggle together my brother. United we stand against the oppressor, divided we fall against them. And absolutely no one is immune to the sting of this oppressor. Tomorrow it may be you once more and the voices you bastardize today may be your only hope to liberation and emancipation.

Mensah Thompson
Executive Director, ASEPA

Source: Ghana News

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