
Rema and Shallipopi Drop High-Energy Track ‘Benin Boys’ Celebrating Edo Roots

Rema and Shallipopi have collaborated on an intriguing new track named “Benin Boys.” This much-anticipated cooperation marks their first time working together, with more joint endeavors to come.

“Benin Boys” is a tribute to Benin City, its people, and their rich tradition, co-produced by Rema and Producer X. Rema and Shallipopi go full braggadocio in the song, boasting about their flair, swagger, and success as a “Benin Boy.” The influence Edo Boys are having on the global scene is quite impressive.

The song is constructed as a poetic sparring match, with Rema and Shallipopi trading verses that complement each other’s flow flawlessly. This back-and-forth intensity will captivate listeners, showing the enormous talent both artists bring to the table. Shallipopi is certainly on a roll after his recent appearance on King Promise’s album, and this collaboration with international superstar Rema just adds to his clout.

“Benin Boys” is now available officially, so music fans may have a possible smash on their hands. This brilliant collaboration between Rema and Shallipopi indicates that Edo Boys are here to stay and will continue to make waves in the music industry.

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Source: Ghana Music

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