Review Covid-19 testing at KIA – Mpreaso MP to Health Ministry

The Member of Parliament of Mpreaso, Davis Opoku Ansah has asked the Health Ministry to review the current Covid-19 testing regime governing the country.

According to him, although the virus is still prevalent, the Ministry must appreciate that the testing regime is hurting the nation’s trade and tourism.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the lawmaker said those who have been vaccinated and have proof should be spared testing at the Kotoka International Airport.

“Today, many Ghanaians have had access to the vaccine, and many more persons entering our country have also been immunised. We can say that, as of now, we can fight the virus.”

In view of that, he added “Those who also have a less than 48 hour PCR test and can use the African Union and Africa CDC #TrustedTravel platform, a Covid-19 pass tool that simplifies verification of public health documentation for travellers during exit and entry across borders, should also be allowed access to Ghana without going through the testing in our ports.”

Mr Ansah also asked government to put measures in place to allow for passage along with the land ports in Ghana.

“Our traders, who go to Togo and Nigeria to also engage in trading, must be allowed access. We can also put in place the testing regime along these borders,” he added.

Source: Ghana News

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