Samson’s Take: No empty slogans on Sunday, Mr. President

In the news, former NPP MP and anticorruption crusader, PC Appiah Ofori urges a vote of no confidence in the President rather than the focus on Ken Ofori Atta.

It will appear the public has already cast that vote if parliament won’t. The President has been booed and angered to curse and tell people, literally, that he didn’t force them to vote for him.

80 NPP MPs (59% of the Majority Caucus) boldly broke ranks to publicly tell the President to sack the finance minister and deputy Charles Adu-Boahen or they will not support any business he brings to the hung parliament.

There is also a motion of censure that all NDC MPs must vote for to compel the President to sack Ken. Any NDC MP who disobeys the 3-line whip is doomed. NPP’s Kwame Pianim, the renowned economist, says IMF negotiations are not going well. He insists Ken must leave before he destroys Ghana.

#FixTheCountry, rights activist Martin Kpebu are mobilizing citizens for a #KumePreko reloaded demonstration to demand the President’s resignation on 5th November. OccupyGhana demands a “Lean and Mean Government”. The CitzensCoalition of CSOs held a #NanaAddoMustListen press conference on Thursday.

President Mahama says the opposition NDC prefers to offer solutions and not gloat over the crisis he and some experts insist is largely due to incompetence of the Akufo Addo Government. President Akufo Addo who was touring the country and touting his good works last week but getting booed by people the Okyenhene describes as “villagers, witches and wizards”, had cause to encourage the army to remain loyal to the democratic project.

He will be speaking to the nation tomorrow after a 3-day emergency retreat meeting with his cabinet, bankers, forex traders, market women and various industry players. It does appear the rising tensions have whipped him into reality check to abandon those expensive campaign trips to focus on what urgent actions are needed in these trying times. But will his address on Sunday get to turn things around the way John Mahama’s gave an instant boost to the gari and beans – gobe industry on Friday?

The celebrated leader of Singapore. I prefer to join those who hardly refer to him as former prime minister but a leader, a true leader, and for good reason. Lee Kuan Yew posits that “[w]hen you reach your limit, there are two ways out of that box that you are in. One is to reach new resources by either capturing territory or trading.

To capture territory, you have to use force and you must win or you are captured.” This is our present circumstance; we must win or be reduced to subhuman. What he refers to as “force”, I say includes new revolutionary ideas extraordinarily required for a not-ordinary situation set to inflict havoc on Ghana.
LKY rallied his people around his vision for a country without natural resources.

When he sought help, he was told to consider production of fish hooks. He said all his country had was its human resource. “If a thing works, let’s work it” he declared. That’s how he moved his country from third world to a first world economy.

Quoting the Bible and shouting “this too shall pass”, solves nothing, Mr. President. These extraordinary times require extraordinary solutions led by a demonstration of extraordinary leadership. Ghanaians look forward to your address that you will demonstrate you are an authentic leader and not one specialized in empty sloganeering, and getting angry when the people give feedback about your government taking them downhill. That’s My Take.

Source: Ghana News

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