Scores patronise Multimedia Group’s Vaccination drive on day 5

The Multimedia Group’s Covid-19 vaccination drive continued on Friday, November 26, 2021.

Friday’s exercise recorded a massive turnout as both residents and non-residents of Kokomlemle trooped to the Joy FM premises to take advantage of the exercise aimed at getting as many people as possible vaccinated.

A non-resident of Kokomlemle, Joseph Setsofia, who came from Tema to take a jab, told JoyNews, why he travelled all the way.

“The whole world is on its knees because of this virus, and it’s so serious that it has affected everything. So now that the vaccines are here, we should all be ready to take it,” he said.

Another participant, Anita Amaoh, lauded JoyNews for such an initiative.

“I learnt about the initiative and decided to come and take my jab. God bless Joy for this,” she said.

Charles Ameyor also indicated that he initially did not want to get vaccinated due to misleading stories he had heard about the vaccines but those fears have been allayed and he’s taken his jab following an announcement on Joy FM, he decided to get vaccinated.

The Multimedia Group, in collaboration with the Ayawaso Central Ghana Health Service, from Monday, November 22, set up a tent at the Joy FM car park for those who are yet to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to do so.

This was in line with a directive from the government for all persons to get vaccinated ahead of the Christmas festivities or risk being denied entry into event venues.

The exercise was expected to end on Friday, November 26, 2021, however, the duration has been extended.

Speaking to JoyNews, General Manager, Sales and Marketing of the Multimedia Group, Max Fugar, explained that the decision was necessitated by pleas from residents of Kokomlemle.

“A lot of people who could not take advantage of the opportunity to get vaccinated this week have requested for an extension,” he said.

As a caring and listening brand, the Multimedia group could not turn down the request of its cherished listeners.

“And because it’s for an audience, it’s for the community, we’ve agreed that we would continue tomorrow and extend it up to Tuesday to enable all qualified persons to take advantage of the opportunity we are offering,” he added.

Mr Fugar, who was impressed with the numbers that have turned up so far, entreated persons who are yet to take advantage of the opportunity to do so before the new deadline.

“The numbers are exactly what we were expecting. The attendance has been good so far [but] I urge all qualified persons who are yet to be vaccinated to take advantage of the opportunity we are offering,” he said.

Meanwhile, he urged everyone to continue to observe the Covid-19 safety protocols, despite taking the jab since the pandemic is still prevalent in the country.

Source: Ghana News

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