Senya Bereku residents clash with soldiers over land

Senya Bereku residents clash with soldiers over land

The chiefs and residents of Senya Bereku in the Central Region have clashed with some military personnel deployed to the community ahead of a project commissioning by the Interior and Defence Ministers.

This comes after the Minister of Defence and Interior, along with the Military High Command, went to Gomoa Fetteh to allocate lands that were acquired in the community to military officers.

However, the chiefs and residents of Senya Breku argued that the land belongs to them and not Gomoa Fetteh from whom the military high command bought the lands.

The Acting Chief of the Senya Bereku Traditional Council, Nenyi Kweku Kormittey, said they will not permit the military to take control of the 101 acres of land.

He maintained that the land was acquired by their forefathers, emphasising that they would not leave the land even if it cost them their lives.

“They initially brought police officers and we stopped them, now they have brought military men thinking we are afraid.

“The Fetteh people have decided to make this land their boundary and bring more forces here but they should know that we are not afraid of them or the military,” he said.

The unresolved standoff has created tension in the area.

Source: Ghana News

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