Seva Afiadenyigba flooding: Residents call for government’s support

Residents of Seva, Anlo Afiadenyigba, Atiavi Glime Atsime all in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region have expressed worry over what they have described as the worst flooding incident in the area.

According to them, the recent flood, caused by the overflow of the Keta Lagoon after heavy rainfall, has made life very difficult.

The Seva Township is currently cut off from the main town of Anyako-Konu due to the overflow of the lagoon that has submerged parts of the road linking the two towns.

The situation has posed an obstacle for market women, workers and school children who normally ply the road to conduct business etc in the adjoining towns.

The situation is not different in Anlo Afiadenyighba and Atiavi  Glime Atsiame as residents, school children and teachers have to cross the flooded street every day to school and work making it dangerous for them especially the children and the elderly.

Pregnant women in the affected communities have been left stranded, unable to seek medical support due to the flooded streets.

Residents are thus appealing to government to as a matter of urgency do something about their plight and also construct two bridges for the communities to help ease the situation.

The Assembly man for the area, Wisdom Siade, said due to the only road linking the town to the mainland getting submerged, residents have resorted to using boast and other means to travel to the mainland.

The flood he says has also impeded the distribution of fresh water to the town by tanker from the main town.

“As we speak travelling is difficult for business people who have to travel. So what we are saying is that the situation is very unbearable. Already we have water shortage or water problem. Now that also has been cut off so people cannot also get access to drinking water” Wisdom Siade said.

He urged government to listen to the cry of the people and construct bridges for them to help give them some sort of relief and also boost the economic activities of the communities.

The MP for Keta, Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey, said the issue of flooding is an annual one but this year has been the worst in the history of the town’s existence hence the urgent need for the government to do something about the situation.

According to the Mr. Gakpey, urgent attention is needed to avoid anything disastrous in the future because the road gets submerged at the slightest rainfall compelling residents to walk through the flooded water.

Most parts of the Anlo Afiadenyigba Township, a fishing community has also been flooded leaving some residents homeless and depriving them from economic activities like fishing and salt mining.

Source: Ghana News

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