Shop owners at Kejetia Market protest closure

Some traders at Kejetia Market F-line whose shops have been closed due to a recent fire outbreak have removed the barricades in protest against city authorities.

The angry traders have decided to forcibly enter the barricaded area to resume operation.

City authorities cordoned off the affected area to enable maintenance works to be carried out.

But traders who were not directly affected by the inferno at that section of the market disagree with the decision.

The recent fire at the kejetia market destroyed 33 shops.

City authorities after several meetings placed a ban on business activities at the affected area.

Eight hundred and seven shops were cordoned off.

But traders who were not directly affected disagree.

Amidst noise making and clad in red, they registered their displeasure against managers of the facility.

They say, they were not directly affected by the fire.

Leader of the affected traders, Andrews Kwofi claims Management has failed to provide alternatives for businesses affected by their decision.

Source: Ghana News

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