SHS student killed by thunder in Ho

Thunder has struck and killed a 17-year-old male student of the Sokode Senior High School.

The incident which happened in the regional capital of Ho during heavy rains in the late hours of Monday killed the victim named Emmanuel Dorli who was said to be in the company of two of his female colleague students who were also affected and currently in the Ho Teaching Hospital.

According to eyewitnesses, the late Emmanuel who was hawking coconut by the roadside as he normally does after school hours and on weekends was allegedly struck by loud thunder.

They say it sounded so loud and they believe it was spiritually.

“These things are spiritual and it happens only when someone is behind it and the victim might have had issues with someone who decided to go through the spiritual way,” one resident said

Some residents alleged that prior to the incident the deceased had a strange call from a competitor in the coconut business warning him to stop competing with him in the business

The mother of the deceased narrating the incident said her son was selling coconut as usual at the normal sport after school whiles she was at work and only for someone to call her to inform her of the bad news

The body of the deceased according to tradition may have to remain at the sport until traditional prayers are offered before it can be taken to the mortuary

The police is yet to make a comment on the issue.

Source: Ghana News

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