Speaker clashes with Ursula Owusu over Import Restrictions Bill laying

Speaker clashes with Ursula Owusu over Import Restrictions Bill laying

In a rather tense episode on Tuesday, November 28, there was a clash between the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, and Communications Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful.

This occurred after yet another attempt by the Minister of Trade to lay the controversial Import Restrictions Bill that seeks to empower the Trade Ministry to approve or disapprove the importation of a list of products.

Ursula, the Ablekuma West MP questioned the Speaker’s directive on the matter, especially after the Minority in Parliament had expressed opposition to the laying of the Bill.

From her perspective, there was nothing before the house that justified such an opposition.

“I have no idea on what we are debating in this house today. There is nothing before the house so as you [Speaker of Parliament] indicated to the Minister [of Trade, KT Hammond] that we are not yet there, I was of the opinion that you would tell my colleagues on the other side that there’s nothing before us.”

Unsatisfied with the situation, the Speaker admonished her and instructed her to return to her seat. He cautioned her that such actions would not be tolerated in the house in the future.

“Minister, do you really listen to yourself when you are talking? If you were here from the very beginning before we started, why did you say no, when I asked if you were here from the beginning… This is not the Ministry of Communications, this is Parliament. Resume your seat.”

Meanwhile, the Trade Minister, KT Hammond has now been cleared to lay the government’s L.I. seeking to restrict the importation of selected products on Thursday, November 30.

Read also: Speaker clears way for laying of import restriction L.I. on Thursday

The Minority yet again opposed plans to lay it Tuesday, repeating the arguments that the L.I. is inimical to the general interest of Ghanaians and business people. They had also said it would breed corruption.

The Speaker was clear, however, that per the constitution, if the L.I. meets the constitutional test, then no one can block its laying

Consequently, the Speaker has asked KT Hammond to meet with the Subsidiary Legislation Committee again to cross their t’s and dot their i’s for the instrument to be laid on Thursday.

Source: Ghana News

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