‘This isn’t what we wanted, but ours has been a success’ – Health Minister on Covid-19 deaths

Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has revealed that Ghana’s Covid-19 death toll as of February 5, stood at 1,426.

Speaking to the press on Wednesday, the Minister noted that the deaths recorded so far are unfortunate. However, in comparison to other countries, Ghana has a better record.

“This is not what we wanted, but if you compare to daily loss of lives of 2000s elsewhere, looks like ours has been a success,” he said.

According to Mr. Agyeman-Manu, testing, tracing, treatment, and vaccination have been carried out successfully leading to effective management of the pandemic.

“World Health Organisation (WHO) assessment last year indicated that the two countries on the globe that got COVID management right were Ghana and South Korea. It is evidenced in a lot of things we are doing,” he added.

Information from the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service (GHS) shows that more lives are being lost to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As of February 1 and 2, a total of 1,412 and 1,415 deaths had been recorded respectively. Prior to the announcement on Wednesday, the GHS noted that as of February 3, 1,419 deaths had been recorded.

The data indicates that the number of casualties since February 1, have risen at an increasing rate; from 3, 4 then to 7 deaths. Currently, the GHS has not provided statistics for February 4.

Presently, the country is battling with 527 active cases. Out of the total figure, five are considered severe while two others are said to be in critical conditions.

As of February 3, active cases stood at 1,010. The figures show a decline in active cases.

So far, the GHS has confirmed 157,917 Covid-19 cases and has discharged 155,964 people from the various health facilities.

Since its previous update, the GHS has discharged 642 people who have recovered from the virus.

As of February 7, a total of 11,835,359 doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered. About 4,486,364 Ghanaians have been fully vaccinated while 8,325,791 have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Also, 6,704 people have received the booster shot.

Source: Ghana News

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