Use appropriate walkways when crossing the roads – Accra Mayor cautions pedestrians

The Accra Mayor, Elizabeth Sackey, has cautioned pedestrians to use the provided walkways and cross the roads at the pedestrian crossing.

Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) Road Safety strategy set out to effectively deal with road safety situations and implement the Pedestrians Safety Action Plan.

This Pedestrian Safety Action plan aims to reduce the potential of many deaths and serious injuries, most especially pedestrians and all vulnerable road users, including children, the elderly, and the disabled.

This followed the launch of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly Road Safety strategy set out to effectively deal with road safety situations and implement the Pedestrians Safety Action Plan.

According to the mayor, drivers must desist from drink driving and reduce their speed limits as we approach the festive season.

She also reiterated that pedestrians look right and left again before crossing the road.

She spoke at a donation during the Road Traffic Victims Remembrance Day in Accra.

Source: Ghana News

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