Vice President Bawumia arrives in New York for UN Security Council meeting

The Vice-President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, arrived in New York on Sunday to participate in a meeting of the UN Security Council and hold discussions with Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres on Tuesday.

Ghana, assumed a seat on the 15-member UN Security Council on January 1, 2022, having been elected for a two-year tenure, the fourth time since its independence.

Dr. Bawumia will deliver a statement on behalf of President Akufo-Addo in the Security Council debate on the protection of civilians in urban conflict.

The Vice-President is also scheduled to meet US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Molly Phee, in Washington, DC, the US capital, on Wednesday.

Ghana wants to use its UN Security Council seat to mobilize international support to bring violent extremism in the Sahel under control and curb piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.

Ghana chairs the African Union’s Peace and Security Council and is serving on the UN Security Council alongside Gabon and Kenya.

President Akufo-Addo also chairs the ECOWAS Council of Heads of State at a time of political uncertainty in Mali and Guinea.

Dr. Bawumia was met on arrival by officials of the Ghana Mission to the UN led by the Permanent Representative, Mr. Harold Agyeman.

Source: Ghana News

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