Vodafone Ghana Foundation to give more support to SMEs

Vodafone Ghana Foundation has pledged to partner more organisations as part of its strategy to support growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.

According to its Head, Amaris Nana Adjei Perbi, the foundation will expand and reach out to more SMEs to aid in the fight against unemployment.

Speaking at a sustainability review session on its various initiatives and project impact for the past year, he opined that the foundation will expand and reach out to more women entrepreneurs and SMEs.

“Last year, we partnered with the UNDP to activate women that are in small scale industries. We made  sure we set up businesses for 2000 women up north, and also going forward this year we are looking at certain opportunities to widen the horizon of women entrepreneurs”, he explained.

Vodafone Foundation also said it will embark on more collaborations this year to reach out to individuals and communities across the country.

“We will reinforce our activations across the communities in the country. We will do more collaborations too”, Mr. Perbi added.

Vodafone Ghana Foundation was founded to support sustainable initiatives that drive social change, improve people’s lives and solve pressing social needs.

The foundation also provides a formal process for charitable contributions to be made to communities, community groups and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Ghana who are key partners in responding to social and economic development issues in the country.

The vision of the Foundation is to be regarded as the most caring telcommunication brand in Ghana, by empowering and giving access to tools and facilities that support sustainable social change.

Source: Ghana News

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