We don’t pay bribe to secure contracts – Road contractors reject Prof Adei’s bribery claim

We don't pay bribe to secure contracts - Road contractors reject Prof Adei’s bribery claim

A group of road contractors in the country have rejected the allegations by the former Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Prof. Stephen Adei that bribes determine who gets to be awarded road contracts.

According to the aggrieved road contractors, the comments by the venerable professor taint their hard-earned reputation.

In a press statement issued on Wednesday, October 25, they insisted strongly that they do not pay bribes to secure contracts from the Roads Ministry.

The road contractors have thus welcomed investigations into the allegations, believing it will help redeem their tarnished image.

“We have followed with keen interest discussions in the media space in respect of an allegation made by Professor Stephen Adei, a former Rector of GIMPA, to the effect that some contractors make upfront payments of upfront payments of GH¢1 million before the award of road contracts.”

“We have also read a press statement from the Ministry of Roads and Highways indicating that the Minister has requested the Executive Director of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) to investigate the allegation.”

“We wish to state clearly that none of us have had such experience. Road contracts go through a process until the award is given.”

Prof Adei in an interview bemoaned the issue of corruption in the award of road contracts, and according to him, he has information to the effect that persons seeking road contracts are told: “Road contracts will be given to you, provided you pay 1 million upfront….”

However, the Ministry of Roads and Highways described the allegations as surprising and unfounded.

The Ministry in a statement issued on October 23, explained that processes leading to the award of road contracts are open, transparent, competitive and in accordance with the law.

“Given that the alleged conduct borders on the commission of crime against the Republic, the Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Attah, has today, 23rd October 2023, requested the Executive Director of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) to fully investigate the allegations.,” portions of the statement said.

The Roads Ministry assured that “It shall cooperate fully and support EOCO in the conduct of its investigation.”

Source: Ghana News

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