We will offer 20 percent allowance for rural-based teachers – Mahama

We will offer 20 percent allowance for rural-based teachers - Mahama

Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has committed to the implementation of a twenty percent allowance for teachers in rural areas, if he regains power.

It follows a concern received from teachers in Ahanta West District during a Town Hall meeting in the Western Region.

The former President admitted that the challenge with the implementation of the policy has been the classification of rural communities, and the teachers to receive the allowance.

Some communities have been plagued with inadequate teachers due to the unwillingness of trained teachers to accept postings.

The allowance proposed decades ago is yet to be implemented.

The twenty percent basic allowance that aims at attracting teachers to rural areas came up strongly during the 2020 campaign season.

NDC flagbearer, John Mahama assured of preparedness to deal with bottlenecks hindering the implementation.

“We have to be able to categorise rural and urban areas before we know who deserves to benefit. There are some villages just in Takoradi, where will you categorise that. All of these will have to be considered. We will sit with you to address it,” he said.

Already, owners of private schools have expressed dissatisfaction over the undue advantage enjoyed by public institutions during posting.

The former President is ready to investigate and proffer appropriate solutions to the challenge.

A review of the free Senior High School policy by the next NDC government continues to run through the party’s messages.

“We will have a stakeholder consultation with parents, teachers, educationists and the students. We will look at the challenges with the policy and deal with them. For instance, due to infrastructure deficit, the schools run a shift system”, he said.

Mr. Mahama added, “Presently, some students are home and will return in March. After staying that long in the house, how do they remember what they were taught”.

Meanwhile, the NDC flagbearer has insisted on investing into a housing scheme being implemented by the various teacher associations.

The wrap of the ‘Building Ghana Tour’ within the Western Region started with a church service at the St. John’s Evangelist Catholic Church.

Series of town hall meetings followed at Takoradi, Esikado Ketan, Sekondi and Shama.

Source: Ghana News

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