World Pulse Day: Ghana and India partner to enhance growth of Agriculture

Ghana and India have formed partnerships to develop and enhance the growth of agriculture, especially, the development and consumption of pulse grains.

Pulse grains have been acknowledged by the Food and Agriculture Organization as the most effective means of preventing obesity, lowering chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, as well as supporting children who are at risk of stunting during the first 1,000 days of their life.

Speaking at this year’s World Pulse Day in Accra, a deputy minister for food and agriculture, Yaw Frimpong Addo, indicated Ghana was strategically positioned climatically to promote food crop production.

Mr Frimpong Addo stated that the Ministry for Food and Agriculture was in full support of the promotion and consumption of pulse grains in the country.

Deputy minister for food and agriculture, Yaw Frimpong Addo

He indicated that it is in the spirit of agricultural production that the government has instituted practical policies such as planting for food and jobs.

“It is worthy of note that India is supporting Ghana in our agricultural drive, and therefore we welcome this council and call for closer collaboration between India and Ghana, especially, in the area of food crop production,” he added.

Pulses are said to have a lower water footprint than other food crops and are better able to withstand drought and climate-related calamities, making them a crucial tool for adjusting to and reducing climate change.

Pulse grains like dry beans, dry broad beans, dry peas, cowpeas, and pigeon peas Bambara beans and others, according to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, are expected to be championed to provide nutritional value for Ghanaians.

From an economic standpoint, the global pulses industry—which deals with the production and trade of pulses—also demonstrates to be a beneficial force in ensuring the stability of regional and global supply chains and enabling consumers to access wholesome foods.

Chairman of the Central and West Africa Indian Africa Trade Council, Dr James Rajamani, says India is working hard to sustain the relationship between India and Ghana, especially in the field of agriculture.

Chairman of the Central and West Africa Indian Africa Trade Council, Dr James Rajamani

He stated: “The development of the agricultural sector is crucial to both Ghana and India, and India will go a long way to support not just Ghana but the entire African continent.”

The 2023 World Pulses Day underlines the significance of pulses in fostering equity and generating chances for livelihood, both of which are essential elements of sustainable agri-food systems.

Source: Ghana News

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