Xornam Foundation and CalBank support Hodzo Ve Basic School with JHS classroom block

Students at Hodze Ve Basic School in the Ho Municipality can now study in a decent classroom after decades of studying under old dilapidated structures.

This is because Xornam Foundation in collaboration with CalBank have built a modern 3-unit classroom block equipped with an ICT laboratory for the basic school.

Founder of Xornam Foundation, Miss Praise Anani, speaking at the handing over ceremony on Thursday said she had noticed the needs of the institution after donating some learning materials earlier.

According to her, she took up the challenge to provide the school a new classroom block in 2018 after an interaction with the school authorities.

“We encountered very young children studying under a nearly collapsed bamboo structure and the Headmaster asked if my organisation, Xornam Foundation could help and the first thing I said was ‘can we’ but today, after several attempts to get sponsorship for the project,  CalBank came to our aid and helped us with an amount of ¢104,200.50 for the project ” she recounted.

She further submitted that public education must be viewed from the lens of providing each child with the learning environment that best meets his or her needs no matter their geographical location.

“We have taken a major step forward in providing this beautiful and high quality education facility at Hodzo Ve which was funded by CalBank PLC. We are positive this new Junior High School block will not only shape Hodzo Ve JHS learning environment, but would also form a new phase of education by changing the perception of the community towards education,” Miss Anani added.

Managing Director of CalBank, Mr. Philip Owiredu expressed gratitude to the Foundation for its commitment to improving the education of children in the community.

He revealed that sometime in March this year, his outfit received an appeal for support from the Xornam foundation to support the school put up this edifice to improve academic work.

“I engaged my management team, and a decision was made to support the school with the total amount requested for. The CalBank team worked closely with the Xornam foundation and the community, and I am delighted with the output.

“Our SDG 7 focuses on supporting affordable and reliable energy and promoting innovation through building resilient infrastructure and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization. These strategies detail the Bank’s community investment activities. Thus, we saw a clear alignment of the request from Xornam to the Bank’s social investment objective of supporting education especially in the less deprived communities,” Mr Owiredu noted.    

He explained that the world has gone digital, hence the need to support Ghanaian children to equip themselves with the required ICT skills to enable them to be competitive.

“Today’s key educational focus is Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths popular known as STEM. It is our belief that this support will improve the fortune of students from this community. CalBank will continue to deliver on our CSI objectives by supporting education in our communities” he added

Mr Phillip Owiredu also announced that the bank will soon expand its territory and set up a branch in Ho.

“It is our expectation that by the end of the first quarter of 2022, the CalBank Ho Branch will have been completed. Once we launch our presence, the people of Ho will have access to all CalBank’s superior banking solutions.”

On his part, Headmaster of Hodzo Ve Basic School, Mr Avakame Fred said the school since its establishment in 1981 has seen little renovation until the support from Xornam Foundation and CalBank.

The school he said had to make use of an old pavilion constructed by former President, Jerry John Rawlings of blessed memory. 

He, therefore, thanked Xornam foundation and CalBank for supporting a good cause and urged other organisations to emulate their kind gesture.

Source: Ghana News

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