‘YouStart will have momentous impact like free SHS’ – Ofori-Atta

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta is optimistic government’s multi-year GH₵10billion ‘YouStart programme’ will be as impactful as the free Senior High School policy introduced by the Akufo-Addo-led government.

The ‘YouStart’ Programme, described as ground-breaking by government, is expected to tackle comprehensively the youth unemployment issue in the country.

The Minister said during a press briefing on Monday, that the programme is also, “designed to provide relevant skills and access to long term affordable capital to empower our youth to create their own businesses and expand the private sector to create more jobs for Ghanaians.”

In view of this, Mr Ofori-Atta noted that this “historic intervention” is “a game changer in social mobility, decent jobs and having dignity.”

“Like the Senior High School programme, the ‘YouStart’ will have an equally momentous impact on our society,” he added.

To ensure its unabated success, the sector Minister explained that the programme will involve the collaboration of our local Financial Institutions, Development Partners and International Financial Institutions.

Mr. Ofori-Atta also used the opportunity to emphasise the commitment of government to end the unemployment menace that rids the country of the potential of its youth.

He reiterated that the theme for the ‘Agyenkwa’ Budget is “Building a Sustainable Entrepreneurial Nation: Fiscal Consolidation and Job Creation.”

“The Budget outlines the policy direction and fiscal framework for 2022 as well as the medium-term vision of H. E. The President, in consultation with his Cabinet and fellow Ghanaians.

“How do we reject this Executive Policy?” he quizzed.

Source: Ghana News

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