You’ve become very arrogant – Prophet Kofi Oduro rebukes Akufo-Addo

Ghanaian preacher, Prophet Kofi Oduro has criticised Akufo-Addo for what he describes as the President’s recent arrogance.

According to the founder of the Alabaster International Ministries, Akufo-Addo has departed from the humility that endeared him to voters in his bid to be president.

Addressing his congregants on Sunday, the energetic pastor seized the opportunity to warn the president about his pride and the consequences that await him.

In his open admonishment, he said if Akufo-Addo does not repent from his pride, his government will go down as the worst regime in Ghana’s political history.

“I stand here with a heavy heart to respectfully say this to you, Sir, the Lord is telling me, pride takes everybody down. And if you continue to be proud, you will go down without remedy. Your government will be the worst in the history of this country”, he stressed.

The preacher continued, “Your excellency if you continue in the arrogance of speech and the pride of your life, you will never see solution and you will never see remedy. I stand here as a man of God and as a prophet of God, not needing anything from you except your repentance and your humility. If not, Ghana is going into destruction”.

The open rebuke from the pastor comes in the wake of some recent comments by President Akufo-Addo which have been widely described as unpalatable.

Speaking in an interview a week ago, the President for instance stated that he is not bothered about whether Ghanaians vote for the New Patriotic Party or not.

And in another public address in the Ashanti Region, he stated that his critics in the region would be put to shame.

Again, responding to calls for him to reshuffle his ministers in the wake of the growing economic crisis, Akufo-Addo said there is no need for him to do so, since his men have been diligent despite the hardship.

These recent comments have subsequently fueled a lot of public angst, with many calling on the President to be more sober in his utterances.

According to his critics, his sobriety will help the country navigate the rough waters it currently finds itself.

Ghana is experiencing hard times with the country’s economic situation, worsening by the day.

The local currency is consistently depreciating against the US dollar; accompanied by a corresponding rise in inflation amidst the country’s growing debt stock and unemployment challenges.

Meanwhile, government is at the verge of finalising a deal with the IMF to lessen the hardship in the system and make the economy more viable.

Source: Ghana News

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