General News

1990/92 Year Group of Mawuli School donates food items to alma mater

The Old Mawuli School Union  (1990/1992) have presented some food items to the Mawuli School to complement what government has done so far in regards to issues of food shortage in senior high schools in the country. 

The President of the association, Mr  Jonas Awume, noted that it was necessary that the old students of Mawuli School address some of the problems faced by the school, hence the need to donate the various foodstuffs to help complement the efforts of government.

“We are here today on Mawuli campus after 32 years after leaving the walls of Mawuli School. We know how to network amongst ourselves. So we decided to come today to celebrate our journeys.

1990/92 Year Group of Mawuli School donates food items to alma mater

“The Lord has been good to us. And we want to share the blessings that he has blessed us with,” Mr Jonas Awume said.

Mr. Awume noted that, with determination to succeed in life, students of Mawuli School can go as far as they want instead of playing around and relaxing when there are books waiting and begging to be attended to.

He urged the students to be serious and dedicated to their books in order to be useful to the society and their families.

The Headmaster of Mawuli School, Mr Jonathan K Adomah, said the food items came at the right time to add to what the school was provided by the government to help solve the food shortage in the various schools in the country.

Mr Adomah noted that with the food items provided by the old students, the school would have more than enough food to last them for some time as they wait on government to send more food items.

Mr Adomah commended government for their efforts at making sure that the needs of the various schools are met despite the economic challenges faced by the country.

He also commended the Old Mawuli students union 1990 and 1992 year groups for their kind gesture and urged them to do more for their alma mater

The group also organized mentoring workshops for the students with other educative programs to help them achieve their dreams and also to encourage them on the need to concentrate on their studies.

Source: Ghana News

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