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NSMQ 2023: Primetime Limited responds to Prempeh College’s protest in semi finals

NSMQ 2023: Primetime Limited responds to Prempeh College's protest in semi finals

Organisers of the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) have upheld their decision not to award any marks to Prempeh College for the answer they provided to a riddle in their semi-final contest on Thursday.

In a letter to the school, Primetime Limited stated that upon discussion with the resident Physics consultant, the quiz mistress did not err in her decision.

“The Quiz Mistress exercises discretion on whether an answer provided by a contestant is sufficiently responsive and would have accepted the answer given by the Prempeh College contestants if, in her professional opinion, the target key and the answer given by the contestants were synonymous.”

“She did not in this case, opting instead to maintain the more precise original key. When the complaint came to the attention of the Physics consultant, full consideration was given to all the issues raised and the protesters, after receiving complete attention, were satisfied with the explanation and counterexample that were given by the consultant,” parts of the statement read.

Primetime Limited indicated that when Prempeh College raised the objections at the competition grounds, it was reviewed by the Physics consultant, who explained the concepts to the team and they accepted it. 

However, the organisers stated that they were surprised with Prempeh College’s turnaround and comments implying there had been a deliberate injustice against them.

“While we greatly appreciate Prempeh College’s keen interest and passion for the NSMQ, we draw the line at insinuations of blas and attempts to favour some schools. We place a premium on fairness to all participating schools, which is why we allow protests from schools, to ensure that there is fairness in the adjudication of contests.”

“Where a school’s protest is found to have merit, the error is rectified and the appropriate marks are awarded to them. Indeed, we are known to pause contests, so as to resolve a protest that has been made by a school,” they added.

Primetime Limited noted that it would be unfortunate for the integrity they have built over the years the contest has been active and the efforts, investments and time all schools put in to go down the drain because of unsubstantiated accusations of bias.

“A five-time champion knows, from experience, the challenges preparing for and triumphing over all other participants present to the team and how much hard work goes on behind the scenes and on stage, to produce excellent results at each edition of the NSMQ.”

“We appreciate the exciting and passionate contests you have given us at NSMQ 2023 and wish you the very best in future editions of the National Science & Maths Quiz Best regards.”

This comes after Prempeh College lost the semi-final contest against their Kumasi rivals Opoku Ware and Pope John Sem. School.

The Santasi boys finished with a triumphant 38 points, while Prempeh and Pope John scored 36 points each.

Opoku Ware heads to the finale with Presec Legon and Achomota School.

Read the full letter below:

NSMQ 2023: Primetime Limited responds to Prempeh College's protest in semi finals
NSMQ 2023: Primetime Limited responds to Prempeh College's protest in semi finals

Source: Ghana News

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