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Aisha Huang Saga: Provide evidence of Aisha Huang’s deportation – Okudzeto Ablakwa demands of government

Ranking Member on Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has asked for a full scale probe into circumstances leading to the deportation of En Huang, a.k.a Aisha Huang, the Chinese national who is currently in the grips of National Security for illegal mining.

Aisha Huang was deported in 2018 after she was arrested over similar charges only for intelligence led exercise by the security agencies in the Ashanti Region to reveal that the ‘Galamsey Queen’ has been domiciled in the country for months. Unconfirmed reports also suggest that she may have been resident in the country way beyond that period.

Aisha Huang Saga: Provide evidence of Aisha Huang’s deportation - Okudzeto Ablakwa demands of government
North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

Alarmed that such a suspicious character outwitted the security agencies, Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa said “At this point, we are very doubtful. Aisha Huang is clear that she has very deep roots and she has allies up there in high places who are helping her to beat the system .

This is why we insist that the only way to unravel the Aisha Huang debacle is to have a full scale probe into this matter.

We must have an independent investigation to know if truly she was deported, where was she deported to. China or Togo?” He quizzed.

Source: Ghana News

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