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America is not what you think it is – Steve Harvey tells Africans seeking greener pastures

American comedian, Steve Harvey, has asked Africans seeking to storm the United States of America in their quest for greener pastures to reconsider their decision.

According to him, the glorious image of America as seen in movies does not reflect the reality of life.

In a viral video, the world-renowned comedian said, “All the young Africans want to come to America, but I tell them that ‘are you sure? Are you sure you want to come here and be in this?’ This ain’t what you think it is.”

On why America may not be the best destination for greener pastures, Steve Harvey made a comparison of how the Police in the States and those in African countries react whenever a person is pulled over on the road.

Steve Harvey noted that while in Ghana or South Africa, he never saw on the news a story about a citizen having been shot by the Police after being asked to park off the road.

“When I’m in Ghana or South Africa and I get stopped by the Police, guess what I get. I get a warning, a ticket, or 100 dollars and I drive home. They don’t shoot in Africa,” he recounted.

According to Steve Harvey, it is rather beneficial for Black Americans to return to their roots since in America, the issue of racism continues to fester.

“America is my home. My children and grandchildren are here. A lot of my businesses are here. But Africa is my homeland. When you land in Africa, you immediately feel good. Because you are home.”

He stated that Africa offers him the opportunity to walk around and feel good “because the majority of the people look like me everywhere I go” adding that the experience leaves him with “a warm feeling.”

In 2019, Steve Harvey flew to Ghana to be a part of The Year of Return, an initiative aimed at marking 400 years since the first black slaves landed in Jamestown Virginia.

The then Minister of Tourism, Babara Oteng Gyasi and the Year of Tourism committee met up with the comedian at the W.E.B DuBois Centre in Cantonments, Accra.

Source: Ghana News

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