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CIB Ghana marks ‘Financial Literacy Day’ at senior high schools

CIB Ghana marks 'Financial Literacy Day' at senior high schools

In commemoration of its 60th anniversary, the Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana has organised a financial literacy day at selected senior high schools across the country.

The goal is to sensitise students on the importance of savings and investments to achieve financial freedom.

The institute seeks to contribute to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in poverty eradication, creation of decent jobs, economic growth and provision of quality education.

The anniversary celebration is on the theme: “Redefining Professionalism in Banking through Ethics”.

The launch of the financial literacy day is geared towards engaging senior high students on the importance of savings, personal budgeting and how to avoid financial fraud when using digital financial services.

CIB Ghana marks 'Financial Literacy Day' at senior high schools

President of CIB Ghana, Benjamin Amenumey, emphasised the importance of financial literacy for young people.

 “Financial literacy is essential for young people to make sound financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. It can help them avoid debt traps and build a secure financial future.”

 Mr. Amenumey says the banking sector cleanup exercise must not affect public trust in banking.

 “The issue with the banking sector cleanup has become a problem but that should not affect the trust we have in the sector” he added.

CIB Ghana marks 'Financial Literacy Day' at senior high schools

Chief Executive of the Institute, Robert Dzato, highlighted the essence of the sensitization campaign across various institutions.

 “Financial Literacy Skills is a sustainable development issue. The Institute will work with partners and the Ministry of Education to embed financial literacy skills in curriculums. If there is one lesson from the recent Domestic Debt Exchange Programme, it is that we all need more financial literacy skills.” he said.

 Mr. Dzato commended various stakeholders for their contribution towards the campaign for financial inclusion.

Source: Ghana News

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