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NADMO officials and Kpandai MP clash over relief items

NADMO officials and Kpandai MP clash over relief items

An argument broke out between the Department of National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) and the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kpandai Constituency, Daniel Nsala Wakpal over relief items donated by the Muslim community in the Northern Region.

The items were intended for victims of the Akosombo Dam Spillage in Kpandai District, particularly Lonto and Kpandai.

The Kpandai District NADMO Director, Peter Nayo Nyarko, explained that the relief items including bags of rice and second-hand clothes were donated by Muslim communities in the Northern Region.

These relief items were sent to the Kpandai Directorate for distribution to the victims of the Akosombo Dam Spillage.

He revealed that the MP allegedly refused to hand over the relief items to the district office.

Instead, the items were delivered to his house and a fee of GH₵6,500 was demanded before they could be released to the district office.

“Before we came for the items from Tamale, the regional office called me and we received the items. Before the items got here, they called the MP who arranged for a vehicle to pick us up. As soon as we brought the things, he took them to his house and later asked us to pay GH 6,500 which we paid before he released the things to us to be given to the affected people.”

Mr. Nyarko expressed disappointment that the MP had tried to benefit from the relief items meant for flood victims, rather than supporting them.

He stated that he would work with other authorities and the District Assembly to ensure that the relief items were distributed to the victims as soon as possible since he could no longer rely on the MP.

“It’s important that we find a way to get these relief items to the victims as soon as possible, as they are in dire need of assistance. I’m not going to allow these items to sit here unused for even a week. I’ll be talking to the DCE to discuss how we can work together to get these items to the people who need them most.”

Source: Ghana News

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