General News

District Grand Lodge of Ghana donates medical equipment to Battor Catholic Hospital

District Grand Lodge of Ghana donates medical equipment to Battor Catholic Hospital

The District Grand Lodge of Ghana demonstrated unwavering commitment by donating essential medical equipment and supplies to the Battor Catholic Hospital in the Volta Region.

Both initiatives were made possible through an emergency appeal launched after the Akosombo Dam spillage led to massive flooding in several districts.

During the donation ceremony, Right Worshipful Isaac Owulaku Hood, District Grand Master, emphasised the critical medical needs arising from the recent floods.

District Grand Lodge of Ghana donates medical equipment to Battor Catholic Hospital

Recognising the central role of the Battor Catholic Hospital, the District Grand Lodge presented patient monitors, and complementary mobile stands, along with nose masks and bottled water.

Highlighting Freemasonry’s commitment to making good men better and serving communities, The District Grand Master of the Masonic district of Ghan emphasised that the gesture was a response to a call to Masonic duty.

District Grand Lodge of Ghana donates medical equipment to Battor Catholic Hospital

The District Grandmaster expressed gratitude to the Hospital’s Management and Staff for the warm reception, underscoring the significance of being ever mindful of the needs of others.

Representatives of the hospital who received the critical medical equipment expressed gratitude to the district.

He was accompanied by Kwaku Owusu, District Grand Secretary Ebenezer Amos Sackey, Dr. Michael Segbefia and Seth Ankrah, the District Grandmaster’s delegation demonstrating Freemasons’ commitment to supporting communities in need.

Source: Ghana News

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