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GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) foundation has funded the training of some 400 people in the Central Region through the Aseda Foundation.

According to the Executive Director of the GNPC Foundation, Dr. Dominic Kwasi Eduah, the project is under the Education and Training Module of the Foundation, which, since its inception in 2018, has trained about 7,700 Ghanaian students.

This year, about 1,500 students have been trained nationwide.

He explains that the training is aimed at equipping people who were unable to climb the academic ladder to take charge of the informal sector and excel.

Dr. Eduah said, “A lot of people also couldn’t meet their target in terms of education, and climbing the ladder, so we decided to look at the other side of the coin by introducing this program to capture the informal sector.”

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

He, however, stated that the major challenge that this project has been faced with is the withdrawal of students at the mention of the National Vocational Training Institute examinations, which are necessary for NVTI certification.

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

He explained that, “This is a special exam; it is not a multiple-choice question (MCQ), essay writing, or what have you. It’s exactly to show what you have learned so that NVTI can certify you.”

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

The Central Regional Minister, Justina Marigold Assan, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Aseda Foundation, Diana Adjei, advised the beneficiaries to work hard and make good use of the knowledge and equipment that they have received.

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

The Regional Minister particularly spoke against the high level of brain drain in the country and highlighted the need for the trainees to give back to the country by staying back to help develop the country.  

GNPC Foundation funds training of 400 people in Central Region

Source: Ghana News

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