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Fixing The Country Movement rebukes NDC members brandishing weapons at Mahama’s office

Fixing The Country Movement rebukes NDC members brandishing weapons at Mahama's office

The Fixing The Country Movement has strongly criticised the actions of certain members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) who were captured in viral videos brandishing machetes around the office of the party’s flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

The incident occurred on Thursday, November 23, 2023, when the supporters purported to organise a clean-up exercise.

The movement asserted that the extreme acts of hooliganism exhibited by the NDC members have no place in Ghana’s democracy and should be condemned by all well-meaning Ghanaians.

In a press statement released by the convener, Ernest Owusu Bempah, on Thursday, November 30, the group expressed their disappointment with the former president for allowing such despicable acts to take place at his office.

“More shocking is the fact that the former President and his staff encouraged the gathering for hours, failing to disperse them when it was obvious a clash with an opposing group could cause mayhem.”

“Even more disturbing was the violent actions of these hooligans and hoodlums suggesting that their uncivilized behaviour and harmful threats were encouraged by the former president, John Dramani Mahama.”

“If not, he would not have allowed these barbaric activities to take place in his office, breaching national security directives and without any prior notice to the security agencies.”

President Akufo-Addo has already denounced the actions and emphasised that no group of individuals will be permitted to disrupt the current peace that Ghana is experiencing.

Speaking at the valedictory service for the outgoing Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Rt Rev. Professor Joseph Ofori Yeboah Mante, at the Victory Congregation at Frafraha, Adenta in Accra, President Akufo-Addo stressed the importance of all Ghanaians praying for the country’s peace and unity to progress collectively as a nation.

“It is my honest hope that the machetes and weapons brandished last week at the residence of the NDC’s presidential candidate, the former president John Mahama are not signs of things to come in the run-up of the 2024 elections.”

“If it is, I can assure them that they will find no success with them. I want to state for the record that under my watch, no person or group of persons no matter their political colouration will destabilise our country nor destroy the peace that all of us are enjoying. It will not happen.”

Fixing The Country Movement rebukes NDC members brandishing weapons at Mahama's office
Fixing The Country Movement rebukes NDC members brandishing weapons at Mahama's office

Source: Ghana News

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