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Future Fortune Consult of KNUST wins 2023 ‘Stock Pitch Competition’

Future Fortune Consult of KNUST wins 2023 'Stock Pitch Competition'

Future Fortune Consult from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) won for the third consecutive time the highly anticipated 2023 Stock Pitch Competition organised by the Young Investors Network.

The competition, sponsored by the Ghana Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Commission, Central Securities Depository, UMB Stockbrokers Ltd, and Nimed Capital, witnessed over 500 students from various tertiary institutions across Ghana, showcasing their financial acumen and investment prowess.

The finalists, representing KNUST, University of Ghana (UG), University of Cape Coast (UCC), University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA), Takoradi Technical University (TTU), Ashesi University, Pentecost University, and Accra Technical University, engaged in a series of presentations, demonstrating their in-depth understanding of the financial markets and their ability to identify promising investment opportunities.

A distinguished Panel of Judges, comprising Kofi Busia Kyei, Executive Director of Young Investors Network; Rudolf Cofie, Senior Analyst at UMB Stockbrokers Limited, and Maame Aba Quist of Nimed Capital Limited, were tasked with the responsibility of evaluating the presentations based on their originality, clarity, financial soundness, and persuasiveness.

Future Fortune Consult, represented by Isaac Kow Adu and Comfort Atuahene, emerged victorious, captivating the judges with their innovative approach, insightful analysis, and confident delivery. Their comprehensive research, thorough risk assessment, and persuasive arguments impressed the Panel of Judges, demonstrating their exceptional financial aptitude.

Securing second place was Stock Sages from University of Ghana, comprising Amankwanor Bernard Kwame, Esther Ngozi Anosike, and Nathan Nii Klottey Odonkor. Their exceptional research, clear presentation, and persuasive arguments earned them a well-deserved spot on the podium. Clinton Ampaabeng from UCC secured third place, showcasing impressive market awareness and a keen eye for promising investment opportunities.

Future Fortune Consult of KNUST wins 2023 'Stock Pitch Competition'

Special awards were also presented to recognise outstanding achievements in various categories. Zalok Research Analytics from KNUST and The Agnarlyst from UPSA were jointly awarded the Most Innovative Strategy Award for their creative approach to investment analysis. Ashesi University received the Best Research Award for its comprehensive and insightful research methodology. Stephen Appiah from TTU was named the Most Innovative Strategist for his unique and unconventional approach to investment strategies.

The winning teams were awarded scholarships to study at the Ghana Investment and Securities Institute (GISI), further enhancing their knowledge and skills in the financial sector. The competition proved to be a remarkable platform for aspiring financiers to hone their skills, gain practical experience in the world of investment, and network with industry professionals.

The Stock Pitch Competition 2023 served as a testament to the talent, dedication, and innovation of Ghana’s future financial leaders. The participants showcased their understanding of the financial markets, their ability to analyze complex data, and their potential to contribute positively to the growth of the Ghanaian economy.

Future Fortune Consult of KNUST wins 2023 'Stock Pitch Competition'

Congratulations to Future Fortune Consult for their remarkable achievement and to all the participants for their outstanding contributions to the competition. The Young Investors Network is commended for organizing this exceptional event, providing a valuable platform for students to develop their financial expertise and prepare for successful careers in the investment industry.

Beyond competition: A reflection on Ghana’s future financial landscape

The Stock Pitch Competition 2023 extended beyond simply identifying the most promising investment pitches. It served as a microcosm of Ghana’s vibrant financial landscape, highlighting the talent, determination, and innovative spirit of the country’s future financial leaders.

The participants’ presentations showcased a deep understanding of global financial trends, an ability to analyze complex economic data, and a keen eye for identifying emerging investment opportunities. Their passion for the financial sector was evident, and their enthusiasm for contributing to Ghana’s economic growth was palpable.

Future Fortune Consult of KNUST wins 2023 'Stock Pitch Competition'

The competition also underscored the importance of mentorship and support for aspiring financiers. The Young Investors Network, with the support of the sponsors, provided a valuable platform for students to connect with industry professionals, gain insights from experienced mentors, and network with potential employers.

The future financial leaders who emerged from the Stock Pitch Competition 2023 are well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping Ghana’s financial landscape. Their talent, skills, and dedication will be instrumental in driving financial inclusion, fostering economic development, and propelling Ghana towards a prosperous future.

Source: Ghana News

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