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Ghanaian Farmer TV host to join agric stakeholders in Turkey to promote farmers’ success stories

The host of Ghana Farmer TV Show on Joy Prime TV, Enyonam Manye, is set to attend the 18th International Agriculture and Livestock Exhibition in Turkey from February 1 to 5, 2023 to promote the success stories of farmers.

AGROEXPO 2023 is Turkey’s largest and among the four largest International Agriculture and Livestock Exhibitions in Europe.

The objective of the fair is to bring together international manufacturers, agriculture and livestock companies, local and international tractor manufacturers and farmers for the development of the sector.

The five-day event will devise strategies that will boost strong, inclusive agriculture while helping to foster sustainable progress and prosperity as well as accelerate the economic fortunes of the industry.

The yearly event is well-attended by all agriculture stakeholders, including agriculture journalists who come in an effort to draw attention to the event and expand its audience, hence the invitation was extended to the host of the Ghanaian Farmer TV Show.

Enyonam Manye stated that “our invitation is a result of our immense impact globally and influences when it comes to platforms that are advocating for agriculture development in the area of mechanization.

The Ghanaian Farmer TV’s aim is to promote farmers’ success stories, as well as strike linkages that could bring some investors down to strengthen the infrastructure part of agriculture.”

She expressed gratitude to the management of Multimedia Group, the World Food Programme Ghana, the Ministry Of Food and Agriculture and the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey for their immense support.

Meanwhile, the flagship TV programme which also has a strong presence on Youtube serves as a platform for farmers and other stakeholders in the value chain to share their challenges, and success stories while encouraging the youth to go into agribusiness to reduce unemployment.

The Ghanaian Farmer TV show is produced by a private-led agriculture organisation, Count on Crops Hub.

Aside from the production of the agric-related documentaries, the Chief Executive Officer of the company, Enyonam Manye disclosed that it has collaborated with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to roll out other programmes on best practices on farmlands, while ensuring food safety across the country. 

The hub also serves as a training centre for aspiring farmers, agro-business owners and tertiary students to receive free practical knowledge about the agricultural sector.

Source: Ghana News

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