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Ghana’s commitment to population and development aligned with global goals

Ghana's commitment to population and development aligned with global goals

The National Development Planning Commission has unveiled findings showcasing the country’s steadfast commitment to its development priorities.

The comprehensive review, spanning a 10-year implementation of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development (AADPD) and a 30-year assessment of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), sheds light on Ghana’s achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the future.

Alignment with Development Priorities:

Ghana’s unwavering commitment to the ICPD and AADPD has been revealed to be in sync with the nation’s development priorities.

These commitments echo the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and align seamlessly with the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

Dual Purpose of Review:

The dual purpose of the extensive review is to fortify Ghana’s domestic development agenda while meeting continental and international obligations.

The 10-year AADPD and 30-year ICPD reviews are a strategic tool for recalibrating and reinforcing the country’s commitment to sustainable development.

Achievements in AADPD Commitments:

Ghana’s accomplishments in the six pillars of its AADPD Commitments—Dignity and Equality, Health, Place and Mobility, Governance, Data and Statistics, Internal Cooperation, and Partnerships—are noteworthy.

The nation has made significant strides, witnessing improved access to quality education, gender parity, and child protection and welfare progress.

Health Improvements:

Positive trends in fertility, maternal and neonatal mortality, and malaria case fatalities reflect Ghana’s dedication to enhancing healthcare.

The nation has increased access to universal healthcare, focusing on critical areas such as adolescent reproductive health, essential nutrition, and mental health services.

Challenges and concerns:

Despite these achievements, persistent challenges loom large, particularly in the realms of youth unemployment, gender inequalities, early and child marriages, adolescent pregnancies, and underrepresentation of youth and persons with disabilities in politics.

Recommendations for Improvement:

The report advocates for increased investments in population-related programs, economic growth, and employment creation.

Urgent action is needed to eliminate child labour, early/child marriages, adolescent pregnancies, and gender-based violence.

Additionally, there is a call for accelerated efforts in slum upgrading, illegal mining elimination, improved sanitation services, and enhanced emergency planning with early warning systems.

Future Implications:

Ghana’s commitment to integrating population considerations into long and medium-term development policies and collaborations with various stakeholders underscores a proactive approach to sustainable development.

The report’s recommendations are poised to contribute significantly to Ghana’s mid-year review of SDG implementation and ongoing reviews of its 40-year long-term development plan.

Source: Ghana News

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